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Government Of Assam Department of Cultural Affairs The Assam State Film (Finance and Development) Corporation

Functions and Objectives


  1. To finance production of Assamese films by advancing loans, subsidies, grants etc. or by the extending financial assistance in any other matter.
  2. To encourage, foster, aid, establish and maintain institutions for imparting knowledge and instruction on all matter connected with and allied to Film Industry and to arrange for the training of the employees of the Corporation or any other person in any grants of the Film Industry in its own Institution or elsewhere and for that purpose to offer stipend scholarships or other allowances may be considered necessary.
  3. To carry on the business of production of films for all purpose and of Cinematograph trade and industry and all its allied and kindred trades, connected commodities, apparatus etc.
  4. To carry on the business of Financers, Producers, Distributors, Exhibitors, Agents of Cinema Films and other allied Industry of films through joint collaboration and marketing of Films in India & Abroad.
  5. To give awards, subsidies and to hold film festivals etc. for the improvement and encouragement of better quality films.
  6. To apply for purchase or otherwise acquire and obtain any other interest in copyrights and any other right or in any film photoplay, dramatics, song and any published or unpublished books and stories or any musical or other artistic production.
  7. To let out on hire all or any of the properties of the Corporation whether movable or immovable including all and every description of apparatus and appliances.
  8. To carry on and undertake the business of manufacturers, producers, dealers, exhibitors and importer of raw films, chemicals, magnetic tapes, photographs and optical goods, cinema films, gramophone record and recoding and manufacturers, dealers, importers, exporters and hires of each and every apparatus, machinery or accessories appertaining thereto.
  9. To construct, run and manage cinema show houses, theatre halls, auditoriums etc on modern lines.
  10. To purchase acquire, take on lease or exchange, hire, construct repair, adopt, overhaul , conduct manage, control and superintendent in whole or in part and property, studios, theatres, places of amusement and entertainment, music halls, cinema houses, and concert halls solely or in partnership, periodically or permanently.
  11. To purchase or acquire various apparatus, machinery equipments, appliances, raw films, chemicals, dresses furniture and other materials for the production and for representation of cinema or stage plays or other pictures or entertainments.
  12. To apply for purchase or otherwise acquire and obtain in any part of the world exclusive and other interests in copy rights of representation and any other rights of or in any film photoplay, dramatic, plays, operas, burlesques, vaudevilles, balllers, pantomimes, musical composition, songs, words comedies, compositions and any published books and stories or any musical or other artistic productions.


  1. To Finance Production of Assamese Films.
  2. To Provide Financial Assistance to Artistes from Artiste Welfare Fund.
  3. To Preserve, Exhibit, Document and Film related materials in Film Museum.
  4. To Preserve Film Prints in Film Archive.
  5. To Provide Auditorium (AC,100 Seat Capacity) on hire.
  6. To Provide Shooting Generator Van on hire.